Bingo balls on a mirrored surface

VHC 100 Club

The Voluntary Help Centre’s monthly 100 club has spaces! The draw takes place on the 3rd Thursday of the month with 3 winners each time. Prizes are broken down as follows:

1st prize – £50

2nd prize – £25

3rd prize – £15

Membership of the 100 club costs £36.00 for the year but participants have the option to sign up for 3 months at £9.00 or 6 months at £18.00 if they would prefer.

Augusts lucky winners are:

1st prize – Liz Muniandy

2nd prize – Brian Bailey

3rd prize – Jenny Hursell

If you would like to join the 100 Club please contact the office on 01502 724549 or and we can arrange getting a membership form out to you.



